Category: Graphic Design

Design Thinking

2 commentsGraphic Design

May 2020  What is the intent of design thinking? The “Design thinking” is the disputable phrase which designates the human-centred principles and applies into the whole new field, according to Don Norman theory. There is a huge different definition of design thinking. The most important dedication of design thinking is taking the distinct viewpoint of ….  Read More

Food Wastage

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June 2020 “There are roughly up to 1.3 billions tonnes of excellently edible food get wasted or lost each year worldwide. Consumers should be aware of this issue and take this problem seriously. Meanwhile, Australia wastes over 5 millions tonnes of food, ending up going to the landfill.” What matters the most ??   Food ….  Read More

Paper Sculpture

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  In this project, I utilized Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop to digitalize my paper sculptures. I chose these techniques because I want to create the different styles of the poster. I supposed to make the flower poster of the paper sculptures. Using the different software, it can create the distinct feelings about my flower ….  Read More


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  In this project, I was originally going to create two main buildings which are Taipei 101 and Sydney opera house. Inside the Taipei 101, making the holes and coming out is paper cut-out of endangered animal to present the connection between my background and my dream. After discussing with a professor, I found I ….  Read More