Paper Sculpture

  In this project, I utilized Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop to digitalize my paper sculptures. I chose these techniques because I want to create the different styles of the poster. I supposed to make the flower poster of the paper sculptures. Using the different software, it can create the distinct feelings about my flower poster. There is the reason that I made these two software choice are more suitable for making posters. Secondly, I want to enhance my skills in making a poster and explore more functions which I did not know before.

  Compare to this two software. First and foremost, illustrator which it is fundamentally different used in this program. Photoshop is called raster-editors and it is easy to edit image which cannot be changed without distorting the images. If I want to demolish the images that made in Photoshop, it will begin to pixelate in the end and are set at a fixed size. However, the illustrator is called vector-editor. In this software, it creates tremendous forms, shapes or lines by using the mathematical equations. This means the shape which I form can be moved, shrunk, bent without any concerns, and it can automatically rescale. Secondly, I could achieve fluid strokes and natural looking in Photoshop, this software not only edits the image but also can draw like the way we draw on the paper.

  On the other hand, the illustrator can achieve the precision of the shapes but look less natural. I think illustrator is main to design any vectors, like the logo and icons, could be displayed and printed at different sizes without losing its quality if it is scale. For each poster, I found it is likely easier to make the poster in Photoshop. I can put the vector and turn it into pixel and edit the image. I do not think the different techniques work better than the distinct types of models. I edited the image, putting the shadow and make the sculpture image stylish. Because of two different sculptures, I chose the different colour to work on it, like cold colour for lotus, and warm colour for chrysanthemum, trying to give them, unlike feelings by using colour and software. To sum up, I am quite happy to finish this project and learn more about this software. I will try to figure another software out about the next project.

Making Paper Sculpture

Process of works